Join the platform transforming the global FMCG distribution industry

Grow your bottom line by digitising your operations

Cut out manual, expensive, and time heavy processes by bringing your business onto the platform designed for the FMCG distributors: Red101®.  

With our intelligent suite of digital tools like RedPay™, RedInsights™ and RedAds™ we can help you increase your bottom line by over 15% and grow your business volume by up to 38%.

Reduce your manpower and drive efficiencies

FMCG Distributors using the Red101® platform are able to dramatically reduce labour costs by an average of 25%.

They are able to automate over 50 manual processes on everything from instant payment reconciliations to targeted promotional activity.

Consolidate your existing tools and software

Even digital-first businesses are able to see big savings by consolidating multiple tools into a simple tech stack that works seamlessly. With Red101® you can say goodbye to having one tool for data, one for targeted marketing and another for payments.

Red101® brings together the power of over 10 separate tools in one place. What’s more, it integrates seamlessly into any existing tools you want to keep through deep API integrations.

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Easy-to-use tools that simplify the order process

As a seller, you know your business best, that’s why we offer you the broadest possible choices on fulfilment decisions, like how to get paid or which delivery options to allow.

Real-time stock and inventory management

You can access Red101® through a dedicated Web-portal that is tailored to your needs. We’re utilising machine learning and automation to eliminate inefficient manual processes..

We connect you and your customers with a comprehensive digital payment network

RedPay™ has transformed the payment process for sellers in emerging markets by eliminating operational bottlenecks and creating a simpler, quicker sales cycle.

We provide effective promotion opportunities to further drive sales

RedAds™ helps sellers drive sales growth with targeted promotions that can reach a specifically segmented and highly engaged audience.